Community Engagement
Here at Chelsea Garden Center, we are committed to helping New Yorkers enjoy the best of the garden - no matter how small or large their space, be it private or public. We have forged relationships and giving programs with a number of local organizations that are also on a mission to protect the natural environment and educate the community that has, for more than thirty years, given us its support.

Chelsea Garden Center is a proud sponsor of the New York Restoration Project – an organization that believes access to nature is a fundamental human right. Dedicated to reclaiming neglected land and transforming into beautiful, usable green space, New York Restoration Project works to support and strengthen underserved communities, promote food sovereignty, and advance environmental justice. Throughout the year, we happily donate plant material and portions of proceeds from special sales and events to the NYRP.
Formerly the Council on the Environment of New York City, GrowNYC is the largest, most established environmental organization in the city. We proudly donate materials and plants to GrowNYC in support their food access, conservation, green space, and education initiatives.
Green Guerillas has been a key facilitator and advocate for community gardens and grassroots environmental groups throughout the New York City area. We provide plant material and other donations to the Green Guerillas year-round, and we actively encourage New Yorkers to contact the Green Guerillas to become involved with a community garden in their area.
Chelsea has been an advocate and supporter of the Highline project since its inception. This is a park like no other, one story above the ground providing a bounty of new vistas and a wonderful use of a long disused railroad right of way.
Chelsea Garden Center works with the Friends of Roosevelt Park organization and its affiliate program, GreenLife (in association with Brandeis High School). The GreenLife program gives high school students practical experience in the horticultural world where they perform hands-on planting and gardening tasks at Roosevelt Park. Students also spend time at commercial and professional horticultural businesses like Chelsea Garden Center in order to learn about the career paths available to them in the horticultural field.
Chelsea Garden Center supports the growth of the city’s young gardeners and offers classroom time to teachers and special project administrators. During these sessions, a professional horticulturalist from Chelsea Garden Center discusses the land usage of the City, NYRP, the parks and museums. Practical, hands-on demonstrations help children understand the importance and beauty of planting and maintaining green spaces.