Terrace & Rooftop Planting

Terrace & Rooftop Planting

As the spring draws closer and thoughts of fresh planting schemes start to churn, for those with terraces, balconies, or rooftop gardens, there are frequently more challenges to achieving planting success. The tips below will provide a helpful and instructive guide to improve your gardening results and success.

Container Selection

Where space and budget allow, air on the side of a larger pot, container, or planter box. With soil volume comes better moisture retention which makes it easier to maintain your plants with perhaps less frequent watering. Remember, you are gardening off the ground where buffeting winds can desiccate plants and cause them to dry out quickly.

Always elevate your planters off the ground. Chelsea sells hard rubber square shims in three sizes, or you can use bricks or wood to elevate the planters. What this does is help improve air circulation under the planters and at the same time, ensure proper drainage. Your plants will thank you.

Make sure that your planters have adequate drainage. Plants need air and water to survive. If the plants are sitting in poorly draining planters and lack oxygen, they will promptly die as swimming pools are no place for plants to survive. Seriously, the extra measure of checking for correct drainage and elevating the planters off the floor will make all the difference in your container garden’s vigor.

Plant Selection

Please take a moment to carefully evaluate the light and wind conditions on your terrace, balcony, or rooftop. Share all this information with one of our experienced associates so that we can guide you in making the right plant choice. You do not want to select a plant that can not stand up to strong buffeting wind conditions. We stock many options that are rugged and durable for these conditions. We also want to make sure that you are not picking a full-sun plant for a shady spot or a deep-shade plant for a very sunny spot. 

Watering Considerations

How are you going to water your new plants? Is it the bucket brigade? Do you have to climb stairs with those buckets, or do you have the luxury of a hose bib with great water pressure?

All our thousands of plants in each of our garden centers get watered daily with the only exception being our drought-tolerant sedums & the rainfall we receive. May we remind you we are at ground level and mostly in a full to half-a-day sun, translate that to your gardens in the sky, and let the message sink in. In short, you need to stay on top of watering your gardens. If your budget and layout permit, consider adding an automatic watering system. Chelsea can recommend excellent irrigation partners to install an automatic watering system. You work with them directly – Our goal is to make sure your plants are being adequately watered. 

Soil Considerations

Chelsea stocks the finest blend of topsoil and planting mixes from our partners in Quebec, Canada. We have been using their soils for better than two decades. For your planting fill and media options, please consult with us regarding the right planting media for your containers and planters.

A reminder: Chelsea Garden Center designs, delivers, and installs gardens. We are a full-service gardening company that would love the opportunity to help you green your space! Contact us to get started.